
The Monthly hand-picks their top 5 documentaries to watch in July

The Monthly is one of the boldest voices on politics, society and culture. As the proud home of the country’s finest writers and thinkers, the Monthly brings the very best in investigative reportage, critical essay and cultural commentary to Australians who seek a deeper understanding of the issues affecting the nation and the world.

People deal with fame in very different ways: some seek it out, some avoid it entirely. When you put a camera in front of someone, you can never be too sure whether you’re getting something genuine or if what you’re seeing is little more than performance. For July, we’ve chosen five documentaries that examine how filmmakers choose to portray fame – and how the famous choose to portray themselves.

Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon

Beloved by the countless stars he has encountered throughout his storied career, Shep Gordon is the consummate Hollywood insider. Shep is known for managing the careers of Alice Cooper, Blondie, Raquel Welch, and plenty more.

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Cutie and The Boxer

As a rowdy young artist in Tokyo, Ushio seemed destined for fame. He met with little commercial success when he moved to New York City in 1969, seeking international recognition, but did begin a fascinating 40-year marriage with his artist wife, Noriko.

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The National: Mistaken For Strangers

As The National were about to embark on the biggest tour of their career, lead singer Matt Berninger invited his younger brother, Tom, to be a part of their tour crew. A budding filmmaker and horror movie enthusiast, Tom brought along his camera to film the experience.

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What does it mean to film another person? How does it affect that person – and what does it do to the one who films? Cameraperson is a tapestry of footage captured over the incredible 25-year career of documentary cinematographer Kirsten Johnson.

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20 Feet from Stardom

Millions know their voices, but no one knows their names. Winner of the 2014 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, 20 Feet from Stardom takes a behind-the-scenes look at the world of backup vocalists, weaving together interviews of legendary singers and the voices that support them.

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