
The Monthly hand-picks their top 5 documentaries to watch in June

The Monthly is one of the boldest voices on politics, society and culture. As the proud home of the country’s finest writers and thinkers, the Monthly brings the very best in investigative reportage, critical essay and cultural commentary to Australians who seek a deeper understanding of the issues affecting the nation and the world.

There are some people who have such a singular focus, such a determination of will, that you can’t really imagine them doing anything else with their lives. It’s as if they were born with an obsession and had no choice but to pursue it relentlessly. These five documentaries are a celebration of the energy and dedication that greatness requires.

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Follow the inside story of a dissident for the digital age who inspires global audiences and blurs the boundaries of art and politics. This detailed portrait provides a nuanced exploration of contemporary China and one of its most compelling public figures.

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Particle Fever

Take a front row seat for our generation’s most significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Follow six brilliant scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet.

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Page One: Inside The New York Times

The media industry is going through a transformation and the outcomes could very well change how we function as a democracy. This unprecedented look inside the New York Times newsroom for a year shows just how important journalism and journalists are.

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La Danse, The Paris Opera Ballet

The Paris Opera Ballet is one of the world’s greatest ballet companies. This film takes you to the rehearsals and performances of seven ballets and shows you what it takes to run the company and the coordinated, collaborative work of all involved.

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Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict

Peggy Guggenheim was an American heiress who became a central figure in the modern art movement. She collected not only art, but artists. Even through great personal hardship, she maintained her obsessive vision to build one of the most important collections of modern art.

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