
The Monthly Recommends 5 Must-Watch Documentaries for July

This month’s recommended films examine the concept of “truth” from multiple angles. What is it? How do we know? Can multiple versions of an event result in multiple truths? From one of the 20th century’s most famous instances of whistleblowing to the failings of cults and religions, the sacrifices made in the search for the truth, and the toll this can take, create compelling viewing.

The Family

Chris Johnston and Rosie Jones' investigation of one of Victoria’s most notorious cults, The Family, is a haunting account of narcissism, power and trauma. Their portrayal of yoga teacher Anne Hamilton-Byrne’s ability to control her followers offers insight into the power of the cult and its devastating impact on its members.

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The Most Dangerous Man in America

Before Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, there was Daniel Ellsberg. In 1971, the former military analyst and Vietnam War strategist risked imprisonment and threats against his life to leak thousands of top-secret documents. His aim was to show Americans that successive governments had deceived them about the war he helped plan.

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Deception by Design

This study of the development and use of camouflage is an illuminating guide through the evolution of warfare, technology and design. Tracing camouflage from early examples in the wild through to the latest development of invisibility cloaks, Jonnie Morris’s documentary shows how artists have helped armies deceive enemies, preserve lives and win wars.

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Going Clear

Many have grappled with telling the strange story of the Church of Scientology, founded by L. Ron Hubbard. However, none have had the insight of – or enraged the church as much as – Alex Gibney’s Going Clear. With unparalleled access to former members, Gibney exposes the tactics that keep Scientology’s members in check.

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Gimme Danger

One of America’s most celebrated auteur directors, Jim Jarmusch, turns his attention to one of rock ’n’ roll’s most legendary bands, The Stooges. Frontman Iggy Pop is a fascinating character who readily shares home truths honestly and openly. His story, scarcely credible at times, becomes all the more powerful for the honour Jarmusch shows it.

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