
The Monthly Recommends 5 Must-Watch Documentaries for November

The Monthly is one of the boldest voices on politics, society and culture. As the proud home of the country’s finest writers and thinkers, the Monthly brings the very best in investigative reportage, critical essay and cultural commentary to Australians who seek a deeper understanding of the issues affecting the nation and the world.

With the marriage-equality debate coming to a head, it is timely that this month’s selection of documentaries reflects the resilience of the human spirit. Whether it’s the pressure of maintaining a cover under Nazi inquisition, having your faith questioned by a series of tragedies, or confronting social conventions, there are stories here worth catching.

Our selections for November include:

Nancy Wake: Gestapo's Most Wanted

Director Mike Smith employs dramatisation, archival footage and face-to-face interviews to create a fully realised picture of Australia’s most legendary World War Two spy, Nancy Wake. Smith’s film is the boldest attempt yet to bring her story to life.

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Faith Connections

The Indian religious festival of Kumbh Mela is one of the largest devotional gatherings on Earth, and presents a perfect opportunity for filmmaker Pan Nalin (director of Samsara) to explore the role of spirituality in the modern world.

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Advanced Style

Seven New York women, ranging in age from 62 to 95, guide documentarian Lina Plioplyte and photographer Ari Seth Cohen through their inimitable style and stories. These women create styles that debunk conventional concepts of beauty, and the media’s obsession with youth.

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The Wrecking Crew

Anyone with an appreciation for ’60s and ’70s pop music will love this account of the unsung musicians who helped create the sound of a generation. The Monkees, the Beach Boys, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley … the Wrecking Crew were at the heart of some of the best-known musical artists in history.

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Gayby Baby

This month Australia’s marriage law survey results will be known, so hearing the stories of children growing up with gay parents has never been more important. Gayby Baby is an acclaimed account of four children with very different experiences, but who are united in their fears of imminent adolescence and oppressive debates on the validity of their families.

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