
The Saturday Paper Recommends 5 Must-Watch Documentaries for August

The Saturday Paper is a quality weekly newspaper, dedicated to narrative journalism. It offers the biggest names and best writing in news, culture and analysis with a particular focus on Australia.

This month’s films consider how bonds forged in adversity can result in powerful and productive relationships. Whether on the slopes of the Himalayas, in Brazil’s most notorious ghetto, a small town in Texas, or among Australia’s disparate artists, a combination of harsh environment and resilient determination gives rise to the transformative and unexpected.

Hannah Gadsby's Oz

Hannah Gadsby, Australia’s comedian of the minute, sets about debunking the myths of our national identity as defined by our art canon. Instead, the closet art scholar offers up a new understanding of Australian art and what it says about our character.

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Janis: Little Girl Blue

She was one of rock’s most iconic and turbulent performers, but Janis Joplin was also a misunderstood and fascinating character, as Amy Berg’s documentary reveals through personal letters and conversations with Joplin’s family and friends.

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Do Not Resist

The militarisation of America’s police force has, contrary to expectations at its outset, not made the United States a safer place. Director Craig Atkinson examines why this is, what’s shaping the US police force now, and how it’s likely to evolve.

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Before Mountain, Australian documentarian Jennifer Peedom made her name with the stunning Sherpa. Examining a brawl on Mount Everest between Sherpas and European climbers, Peedom looks at what was behind the violence, how it became global news, and why life is changing fast for those who call the Himalayas home.

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In The Shadow Of The Hill

The slums of Rio de Janeiro are unknown to all except those who live there. When a resident is killed by police, a journey towards justice reveals the oppression faced by the city’s underclass, and the lengths they must go to in order to be heard.

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