
The Monthly hand-picks their top 5 documentaries to watch in August

The Monthly is one of the boldest voices on politics, society and culture. As the proud home of the country’s finest writers and thinkers, the Monthly brings the very best in investigative reportage, critical essay and cultural commentary to Australians who seek a deeper understanding of the issues affecting the nation and the world.

Music has been an incredibly powerful and resonant art form for millennia, but never have we had immediate access to such a wide variety of musical styles and stories. These documentaries provide a window into the lives of some of the world’s most influential musicians, helping us understand what really goes into the creation of our favourite sounds.

This month’s selection includes:

Searching For Sugar Man

Rodriguez was the greatest ’70s American rock icon who never was. Momentarily hailed as the finest recording artist of his generation, he disappeared into oblivion before re-emerging in a completely different context, and a continent away.

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Muscle Shoals

Located alongside the Tennessee River, Muscle Shoals, Alabama, is the unlikely breeding ground for some of America’s most creative and defiant music. Discover the place that has helped create some of the most important and resonant songs of all time.

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LENNONYC takes an intimate look at the life of John Lennon, Yoko Ono and their son, Sean, in New York City during the ’70s. Never-before-heard studio recordings, concert footage and home movies paint a personal portrait of one of history’s most influential musicians.

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Nick Cave: 20,000 Days On Earth

Drama and reality combine in a fictitious 24 hours in the life of musician and cultural icon, Nick Cave. With its insightful and an intimate portrayal of the artistic process, the film celebrates the transformative power of creativity.

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Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels Of A Tribe Called Quest

After 20 years as one of the most influential hip-hop bands of all time, A Tribe Called Quest had a much-publicised break-up in 1998. Beats, Rhymes & Life uncovers the inner workings and behind-the-scenes drama that follows the band to this day.

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